That’s me

Bukowski, Rossetti, and Poe
All wrote good poetry, so
Drafting a page
Earned them a wage
Back when a writer could crow.

I write some verse nowadays,
No one knows me anyways
Posting on blogs,
I write and I slog,
My poetry sucks more than slays.


Written in response to a prompt by Chelsea Owens to write a “terribly bad” limerick about a poet who takes himself too seriously.Β  I don’t really think this is a bad limerick, I kind of like it and there’s the rub.Β  πŸ™‚


6 thoughts on “That’s me

  1. Pingback: WINNER of the Weekly Terrible Poetry Contest | Chelsea Ann Owens

  2. Pingback: A Decade of Poems | Taps and Ratamacues

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